Chihuahua Monsoon season

Chihuahua Ecotourism

The main mountain range in the state is the Sierra Madre Occidental reaching a maximum altitude of 10,826 ft (3,300 m) known as Cerro Mohinora. Mountains make up for one third of the state's surface area which includes large coniferous forests. The climate in the mountainous regions varies Chihuahua has more forests than any other […]

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Chihuahua Landscape Contrasts

Chihuahua has a Subtropical climate which is most common at elevations between 4,200-7,200 ft above sea level; this climate zone has warm humid summers and an average summer temperature of 68°F. The summer average precipitation is 70 cm (28 in) mostly in the months of: July, August, and September. From November to March there are many […]

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